Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Dreamhack 2014 - The Scandal of Esports

Posted by The Pixel Doll at 00:55 0 comments
"Oh Why of Why Fnatic?!"

Dreamhack has always been one of my favorite events to follow and it's always fun to watch the various competitions going on like CS:GO, SC2:HOTS, LOL and DOTA2.

But this year it was really a moment of madness that drew the most attention. See the video.

 Fnatic have always been strong at Dreamhack being the past winners for many years. And facing them in the quarter finals was LDLC which always come up short when facing Fnatic. However this time at Dreamhack they put up a very good fight and managed to split the first 2 maps.

On the deciding map de_overpass they managed to win the pistol round and pulled ahead with a 13-3 lead. But then Fnatic decided to do a 3-man boost that essentially broke the map as they had almost full view of the entire map. With the boost they were able to make an impossible comeback and win the second half and secure their spot in the semi final.

In my opinion it was a racy decision from Fnatic as even though it wasn't an illegal boost, the move really broke the map and some even said it was close to pixel walking which was illegal. (my inner gamer girl though was really thrilled at the Godlike maneuver. Lols)

Another thing was that LDLC also used an illegal boost on the kioshima from the CT spawn so the fair decision from Dreamhack officials was a replay of the last map. However at this time Fnatic decided to forfeit the match instead of re-contesting it.

Anyways, it's all to much stress as i hope esports can really recover from this. From '322' in Dota2 to this happening in CS:GO.. Whhhhyyy!!!??


Watch these Top 5 Plays from Dreamhack instead.


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